The Thackerson family; 7 boys and 1 girl, sang and played musical instruments. Roy's father played fiddle and guitar and his mother played guitar and sang. Roy's only sister sang while 6 other brothers picked guitar and sang. Roy was next to the youngest and his siblings ranged from 5 to 19 years older than he.
Music was a pastime for the Thackerson family long before TV and computers. The family played music for entertainment and family holidays always found the Thackerson clan sitting around 'pickin' and grinnin'.
Roy started playing the guitar at the age of 5 and was actually learning chords. At the age of 6, like all young boys, curiosity got the best of him one afternoon when Roy found what he thought was a "firecracker."
Putting a match to that dynamite cap changed Roy's life that would challenge the young boy each and every day of his life. After his childhood accident even the smallest tasks became major obstacles.
Not only did Roy lose the fingers on his left hand but also lost the sight in his left eye. As a result, Roy is unable to hold and chord any stringed instrument in the usual fashion.
With a great determination, dedication and the love of music, Roy overcame what some would call a handicap. At the age of 25, Roy decided he wanted to play the fiddle. He used that same determination to play dobro, mandolin and some piano.
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